Tikal, Guatemala--a Belize field trip)
If you are accepted into the program you will recieve an acceptance letter and a request to submit an $300 deposit to reserve your place in the program. You deposit is refundable if you attend the program (less any expenses you may charge against your deposit), but it is non-refundable if you decide later not to attend CCSP.
The final class for the semester will be determined approximately a week to 10 days after the application deadline. After the class has been finalized you will be sent an enrollment package via e-mail (i.e.,10-14 days after the application deadline) that will include several forms to be returned to CCSP (i.e., course registration, waiver, community norms agreement, medical and insurance forms, etc.) and detailed logisitical information about the program.
You will also be informed about travel details including confirmation of the travel dates and arrival and departure windows for buying airline tickets. It is very important that you DO NOT purchase an airline ticket until you recive this information otherwise you may need to change tickets at your own cost to coincide with group pick-up and drop-off schedules. With campuses several hours drive from arriving airports students need to be transported as a group.